Three retailers with Instagram insight
Instagram has become a mainstream social media tool for retailers. However, while most retailers limit their Instagram usage to maintaining an official page or encouraging customers to post photos with Instagram hashtags as part of promotional campaigns, some retailers are more forward-thinking in their Instagram approach.
Here are three retailers showing real insight in how they are leveraging Instagram to its fullest potential:
1. Banana Republic
Banana Republic has extended its digital reach as part of a select group of brands partnering with Instagram on paid advertising; a first-time amplification for the brand on the platform.
"The New Look of Banana Republic reflects our charge towards authenticity in storytelling, where fashion is front and center," said Catherine Sadler, global chief marketing officer. "Fall is a continuation of the marketing platform we first introduced this spring, and now we're excited to share the next chapter. This fall campaign reflects a strong stylish step forward in our evolution."
2. Nordstrom
Nordstrom Inc. is making it easier for its customers to shop on Instagram. The retailer has become the first company to launch the Like2Buy platform, which is designed to enable a more seamless shopping experience for customers on Instagram. Like2Buy allows customers to directly purchase items featured on the retailer’s Instagram page.
When a customer sees a photo posted on Nordstrom's Instagram feed that they're interested in purchasing or learning more about, they simply click on the Nordstrom profile name and then click the link on the Nordstrom profile page. Next, they will see a gallery of all the featured products and can select an item and go directly to to complete their purchase. Customers can also use the "My Likes" function in the gallery to curate items for purchase or future use. The retailer is partnering with visual marketing and analytics firm Curalate on the platform.
3. Piperlime
Piperlime, a division of Gap Inc., has enhanced its website to include streams of images filtered directly from Instagram providing customers with fashion. Shoppers will be able to click the images and shop the items to make these looks their own. Product pages will also feature styling ideas from bloggers and influencers, showing unique ways to style the same must-have pieces for each season.
"We're excited to integrate social media into our customers' shopping experiences," says Lexi Tawes, VP and general manager of Piperlime. "Interweaving technology into our incredible mix of product and fashion expertise is making Piperlime more than a shopping destination; we've become a style resource."