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Tech accessory shopping goes omnichannel


Consumers are taking an increasingly varied path to purchase for tech accessories. According to the Second Annual Accessories at Retail study from the Consumer Electronic Association (CEA), almost two-thirds of U.S. consumers (62%) and more than three-quarters of millennials (77%) now go online via computer or mobile device to learn about tech accessories before making a purchase decision.

However, fewer U.S. consumers are making their final purchases online using a computer (30%) or mobile (7%).

When purchasing tech accessories -- which include smartphone cases, chargers and portable chargers, headphones and earphones, in-store, 31% of consumers cite store displays as a driver. This is followed by recommendations by friends or family (29%), and a helpful salesperson (10%)

Top reasons for shopping online via a computer or mobile device are price, convenience and ease of browsing. But fewer than one in 10 (7%) use “click to purchase” via mobile. The majority of consumers using a mobile device to purchase tech accessories use an e-commerce website (57%) or retailer’s mobile app (51%).

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