Survey: Most U.S. shoppers hate Black Friday
Most U.S. shoppers dislike Black Friday, but a third of them say they're planning to spend more than $500 that weekend anyway, according to a new survey., a deal tracking website focused on analyzing holiday sales, has released its annual survey made up of 1,140 participants who plan on shopping this year. While 47% of participants believe that stores should be closed on Thanksgiving, 33% will still shop in-stores or online.
Here are a few key points from the survey:
Estimated Black Friday Spending:
• 32% plan on spending $501 or more (53% men, 47% women)
• 38% plan on spending $1-$250 (45% men, 55% women)
• The 35+ group will spend more than the 18-24 group
• Of the 34% who believe stores should open on Thanksgiving, 57% are men and 53% are in the 18-24 group
• 68% of participants will begin their holiday shopping before Thanksgiving
• Only 16% believe Thanksgiving has better deals than Black Friday or Cyber Monday
Black Friday:
• Only 29% believe Black Friday has the best deals of the season
• 79% dislike the Black Friday research and shopping process
• 81% believe that Black Friday deals are not improving from year-to-year
Items by Interest:
• 43% said Electronics
• 26% said Apparel
• 17% said Toys/Games
• 6% said Appliances
• 8% said Other
Holiday Season:
• 94% believe they will make at least one in-store purchase this holiday season
• 35% will use cash for in-store purchases. 39% will use debit cards and 23% credit cards.
Read the entire 2015 Black Friday and holiday survey by clickinghere.