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Survey: Consumers cozy with mobile, social commerce


Las Vegas - American consumers are increasingly comfortable with shopping through their smartphones, and many are using digital channels like social media and email marketing to engage with apparel brands.

According to a survey by advertising/marketing technology provider Fluent Inc., roughly 30% of respondents said that they have bought clothing using their smartphones.

Shoppers who have either downloaded mobile apps from their favorite brands, follow brands on social media, or have signed up to receive mobile alerts tend to buy clothing with their smartphones even more frequently (more than 50%).

Other notable findings include:

• Nearly one in four consumers follow their favorite clothing brands on social media. When it comes to other digital marketing channels, one in five have signed up for email newsletters, and a significant number have also downloaded mobile apps (18%) or signed up for mobile alerts from their favorite apparel brands (16%).

• Corporate social responsibility is increasingly important to American consumers. One in three say they are more likely to shop with apparel brands and retailers that promote social responsibility – specifically, companies that proactively provide better wages and employee benefits, and which promote gender equality and diversity in their hiring practices.

• Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle Outfitters, and Forever 21 are the preferred apparel brands amongst younger consumers (18 – 24).

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