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Pharmacy helps customers reach 'Rite Weight'


CAMP HILL, Pa. Rite Aid announced that it is partnering with weight loss expert Lindora to help its customers get in shape for 2008.

During the month of January, Rite Aid and Lindora will offer a multi-faceted free weight management program to help people lose 10% of their body weight and make major improvements in their health and wellness.

Rite Aid said it worked with Lindora to create the Rite Weight Plan, a safe and effective step-by-step online weight loss program available at Customers can visit any Rite Aid store nationwide and pick up the free material..

The company has also launched the Rite Weight Plan, an online weight loss program that is designed to help users lose 10% of their body weight in just 10 weeks.


"Being overweight increases your risk for over fifty diseases and conditions including heart disease, diabetes and hypertension, said John Learish, Rite Aid's senior evp of marketing. Through our partnership with Lindora, Rite Aid is able to offer the programs, resources and support to help people safely reach their weight loss goals, and ultimately, live healthier, happier lives. 

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