New PayPal privacy policy allows calls, texts
San Jose – A new privacy policy which will take effect at PayPal Inc. on July 1 will require users to allow PayPal, its affiliates and service providers to contact them at provided telephone numbers via autodialed or prerecorded call or text message. While the policy prohibits PayPal from sharing user contact information with outside third parties, contracted billing and collection companies are permitted to use customer phone numbers.
The policy covers any landline or mobile phone number a PayPal customer provides at account opening, adds at a later time, provides to a PayPal employee, or uses to contact PayPal. If a telephone number provided is a mobile telephone number, the user must consent to receive SMS or text messages at that number.
Reasons PayPal or affiliates will be allowed to contact a customer include account notifications, troubleshooting, dispute resolution, debt collection, opinion polling, offers and promotions, or as otherwise necessary to service an account or enforce laws or agreements.
Standard telephone minutes and text charges may apply to PayPal contacts with customers. The only option listed for users who do not want to be bound by the new terms is to close their account prior to July 1, 2015.