Millennials shop differently for same results
The details of how millennials shop may differ from their elders, but the ultimate goal is the same.
According to the Blackhawk Engagement Solutions’ “Millennials Disrupt Shopping” report, based on two separate surveys of 500 millennial consumers each, smartphones are a dominant method of connection to the web for millennials, with 89% using them to connect to the Internet. This compares to 75% using laptops, 45% using tablets and 37% using desktop computers.
In another disruptive shopping pattern, social media is millennials’ primary source for shopping news and discovering new products. TV only ranks sixth.
However, while the technology is different, millennials are still looking for the same thing as their parents – a good deal. Ninety-five% of survey respondents have more or the same sensitivity to price as last year. Additionally, price has the greatest influence on millennials’ purchase decisions above all other factors, including product quality, brand, store and availability.
Millennials are also value shoppers. For categories including electronics, entertainment, sporting goods, clothing, wireless plans and even groceries, the majority of millennials would choose a higher-value rebate offer over an instant discount.
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