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L’Oreal enters e-commerce arena with StyleSeat partnership


New York – L’Oreal USA is venturing into e-commerce via a partnership with with StyleSeat, an online platform for beauty and wellness services. Consumers already use StyleSeat to research and book appointments with hair and nail professionals, and it now offers salon-only L’Oreal authentic products for sale, as well.

Each purchase on StyleSeat can be made through the individual stylist pages. Users can also receive personalized email recommendations from stylists about products to use in between trips to the salon.

"We want to ensure that our salon partners have the right digital platform to engage their clients when and where they want as well as ensuring they continue to get the professional services they want, thus allowing salons a 360 degree engagement with their clients," said Pat Parenty, president, L'Oreal USA Professional Products Division. "Our collaboration with StyleSeat enables us to do just that."

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