The Limited launches store pickup
The Limited is finally following the lead of a slew of other retailers that have rolled out buy online, pick up in store services for customers.
The Limited’s service will be called Reserve Online, Ready In-Store, and will be a program that allows customers to shop and place preferred items on hold for purchase and pick-up at their local store. Reserve Online, Ready In-Store will be available at The Limited's nearly 225 full-line retail store locations across the U.S. This launch follows a successful pilot in select stores in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio, markets.
"By adding an additional layer to our shopping experience, we can help bridge the gap between our ecommerce and brick-and-mortar stores," said Diane Ellis, CEO of The Limited. "This program creates an easier shopping experience for our clients to browse and shop the latest styles whenever and wherever they please, before making a trip to their local store."
With Reserve Online, Ready In-Store, customers can reserve their items online, select a preferred store for pick-up, and within approximately 2 hours, will receive an email or text to confirm their products are available along with specific pick-up instructions. Items will be kept on hold at the selected store until the end of the following day, although customers can extend their hold time via email for an additional day.
"We heard from our clients that they much prefer to reserve items online, rather than make an online purchase that would be picked up in-store," said William Acevedo, senior vice president, stores at The Limited. "This allows them the convenience of knowing their items are available and waiting for them in-store, without forcing them to make a purchase before they are ready."
The Limited has approximately 250 store locations throughout the United States.