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HSN launches new cards for select Cornerstone brands


St. Petersburg – HSN Inc. is partnering with the Card Services division of Alliance Data Systems Corp. (ADS) to provide private label credit card services for its Cornerstone business unit. Alliance Data will develop loyalty-driven card programs for five of Cornerstone's seven multichannel brands -- Ballard Designs, Frontgate, Garnet Hill, Grandin Road and Improvements – each incorporating a tailored approach for their unique customer base.

Alliance Data will leverage its customer insights, analytics and tools to drive greater brand loyalty and sales for each brand.

"This new agreement with a number of our Cornerstone brands reflects the success of HSNi's long and valued partnership with Alliance Data, and is a testament to their proven track record of success with HSN," said Cornerstone president Jeff Kuster. "We're confident the branded credit and loyalty programs developed for the Cornerstone brands will provide an opportunity to strengthen brand loyalty and drive customer engagement."

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