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Former Mexican president headlines supply chain event


Former Mexican president Felipe Calderón will be one of the key note speakers this fall when the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals gathers in Denver for the organization’s annual global conference.

Calderón, fresh off of serving a six year that ended last fall as Mexico’s president, is scheduled to give a key note address titled, "Expansion, Innovation, and Transformation: What It Takes to Lead." Calderón will share his perspectives on how to ensure that countries continue to forge economic ties and overcome challenges that may exist. He will offer key insights into strategic policymaking and implementing long-term solutions in an interdependent world. The group’s conference is scheduled for October 20-23

"The supply chain profession is critical to organizations around the world, as well as to countries and their economies," said Rick Blasgen, president and CEO of CSCMP. "Managing trade between Mexico and the world is crucial to the success of all. President Calderón is a dynamic world leader with a proven track record of stabilizing his country’s economy after the Great Recession and creating solutions to the pressing challenges that faced Mexico. His message will be one that every supply chain management professional will want to hear."

CSCMP’s Annual Global Conference is the largest of its kind for the supply chain management profession, attracting upwards of 3,000 practitioners, educators, and thought leaders from around the world.

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