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DealsPlus expands digital mission with products


No longer content as a social platform for sharing promotional offers, has relaunched its site to include new capabilities for users to feature curated assortments of merchandise.

DealsPlus said the major overhaul of its site doesn’t alter its core identity as a social platform for sharing coupons and deals, but will give users the ability to create, curate and share their own collections of products. Collections will make it easy for users to find inspiration from like-minded members of the community and when they do new functionality will allow them to “admire” collections and find targeted deals, according to the company.

“By adding collections and the ability for users to upload links to blog posts and other content, we are creating a platform that brings content creators and deals together,” said DealsPlus CEO Kiha Lee. "The way we see it, the future of e-commerce is a seamless blending of content with products in a way that isn't forced."

As part of the new release DealsPlus will begin working with celebrity and expert collection curators. One of the company’s launch partners is Angela Peters whose produces a popular beauty blog called Hairspray & Highheels. Her collection will focus on makeup and great beauty deals.

"I'm really looking forward to working with DealsPlus, it's another channel for me to deliver the beauty tips that my readers love, while also providing them with money saving tips and deals,” said Peters.

DealsPlus launched in 2006 as a crowd sourced social shopping site where members can find, share, discuss, and enjoy the best deals and coupons from around the web. The company contends it has the most engaged community of any shopping site on the internet but does not elaborate on how it arrived at that determination.

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