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For back-to-school, Lands' End also offers parenting advice


Just in time for back-to-school, Lands' End has a new partner for bringing moms and dads the latest information on parenting and child development, enabling them to get back into the new school year with ease.

The retailer is teaming up with the Child Mind Institute to create digital content that helps parents raise strong, compassionate and curious kids.

"As a brand that has always been committed to families, we are proud to be partnering with the Child Mind Institute to help provide help and hope to children and their families," says Federica Marchionni, CEO of Lands' End. "We're confident that through this partnership, we can bring valuable information and advice to the millions of parents we touch each year."

The Child Mind Institute delivers the highest standards of care, pushes the science of the developing brain and serves as the leading children's mental health resource for parents, professionals and policymakers. Lands' End is working in tandem with them to create content that will get both parents and their children back into the classroom mindset.

"We are very excited with the support from Lands' End," says Dr. Harold Koplewicz, president of the Child Mind Institute. "This partnership will help us reach many more children and families with accurate information about children's wellbeing and healthy brain development — especially as children head back to school."

Topics include:

A Parent's Guide to Getting Ready for Back-to-School

Dos and Don'ts for Back-to-School

Five Tips To Help Kids Get a Good Start in the New School Year

On Aug. 27 at 5 p.m., David Anderson, PhD, Senior Director, ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Center from the Child Mind Institute (CMI), will be co-hosting a Facebook chat with Lands' End. During the event, participants will be able to ask questions and receive guidelines on how to make the back-to-school transition easy for their kids and themselves, along with a chance to win great prizes. Dr. Anderson earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University and his bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Association for Psychological Science.

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