New York City stores take Election Day precautions
Some of Manhattan’s iconic stores are taking extra precautions in preparation for potential unrest surrounding Tuesday’s presidential election.
The windows of Macy’s flagship in Herald Square on West 34th Street and the Bloomingdale’s flagship on Lexington Avenue and 59th Street have been boarded up, reported WWD. The stores are still operating regular business hours.
“Our windows at Macy’s Herald Square were previously scheduled to be dark this week in set-up for our annual holiday displays,” a Macy’s spokesperson told WWD. “Out of an abundance of caution, we are implementing additional security measures at several of our stores.”
Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Moncler have also been boarded up, the report said, and Saks Fifth Ave,. said it was putting additional security measures in place.
“Out of an abundance of caution, like many businesses, we are implementing additional security measures at certain locations in the event of civil unrest due to the current election,” a Saks spokesperson said in the report. This could include boarding or additional security personnel. As always, the safety of our customers, associates and communities, as well as the protection of our physical assets, is of utmost important.”
To read the full WWD story, click here.