IBM Coremetrics reports Cyber Monday sales up nearly 20%
New York - Online sales on Cyber Monday surged nearly 20% from last year, according to IBM Coremetrics, which tracks shopper behavior on more than 500 e-commerce sites. Many analysts expected Monday's online shopping will tally more than $1 billion for the first time.
Report: Most CMOs show flat holiday advertising budgets
Chicago - According to accounting firm BDO USA, LLP, 63% of chief marketing officers at leading U.S. retailers said their 2010 holiday advertising and marketing budgets have remained flat, a continued trend from 2009 (55%) and 2008 (43%).
BDO’s survey found that 20% of CMOs cited a decrease in their holiday marketing and advertising budget, signaling some flexibility, compared with 2009 (26%) and 2008 (32%). Seventeen percent of CMOs cite an increase, only slightly less than 2009 (19%).