SPECS-ulation About the Future of Retail Real Estate
I recently attended Chain Store Age’s 49th annual Store Planning, Equipment, Construction and Facilities Services Seminars (SPECS) in Dallas, Texas. While SPECS always gives me plenty to think about, this year was especially interesting thanks to the debut of a new segment on Real Estate Development. In addition to other workshop “tracks” like Facilities, Business Strategies, and Planning & Design, the inclusion of Real Estate Development to the mix really brought new (and important) perspectives.
Buckle to open at Golden Triangle Mall
Denton, Texas -- The MGHerring Group and Cencor Realty Services said that The Buckle will open a store at Golden Triangle Mall, located in Denton, Texas.
Buckle will occupy 5,040 sq. ft. and will open in fall 2013. In addition, the list of new tenants includes food court eateries Italia Express, Tobu Oriental Eatery and Smoothie Paradise.