Court gives women in Wal-Mart class action suit time to file individual lawsuits
New York City -- The women who were part of the large class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores have been given until Oct. 28 to file individual lawsuits against the company, a U.S. judge ruled, Reuters reported.
The women, who claim the retailer denied them pay raises and promotions because of gender bias, are regrouping after the U.S. Supreme Court dismantled a class of up to 1.5 million current and former Wal-Mart workers in June.
Fresh & Easy seeks to expand workforce
EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — Tesco's U.S. subsidiary Fresh & Easy said it's looking to fill more than 100 employee positions, including positions for four new California stores, the company announced Thursday.
Over the next several weeks, Fresh & Easy will open four new stores, which will be located in Los Angeles, Anaheim Hills, Calif., and Sunnyvale, Calif.