Fresh & Easy's green efforts marked platinum by EPA's GreenChill
FOLSOM, Calif. — Fresh & Easy announced that its new store in Folsom, Calif., received the platinum-level store certification award from the Environmental Protection Agency's GreenChill Partnership.
While the platinum award puts Fresh & Easy — which joined EPA's GreenChill in 2009 — among the nation's 36,000 grocery stores, the Folsom location is the second store in California, and one of four grocery stores in the nation, to achieve these standards.
ICSC Study: U.S. office workers provide daytime selling opportunities
New York City -- A study released Wednesday by the International Council of Shopping Centers found that determining what office workers spend going to work, during the business day, and immediately after work prior to returning home can provide a better understanding of the opportunities that exist for retail, restaurant, and service establishments in proximity to office parks or buildings.
Among the survey highlights: