Central Garden & Pet's CEO unsatisfied with bottom line results
Central Garden & Pet's CEO is not settling for the company's margins and bottom line results, despite reporting second-quarter net sales of $498.2 million, a 7% increase over the comparable fiscal 2012 period.
The company's net income for the second quarter ended March 30 was $22.2 million, compared with net income of $21.6 million in the second quarter of 2012.
Walmart gets its geek on
Walmart continues its superhero streak and courting comic book fans onto its website via social media — this time the superhero in question is Marvel’s billionaire badboy and Iron Man alter ego Tony Stark.
The discount retailer posted a photo of Iron Man 3 to its Facebook page Monday, April 29, emblazoned with a burst bearing the Walmart logo and urging fans to ‘Preorder Now,’ even though the film did not release in theaters until Friday, May 3.