It's Your Destiny
Destiny USA leads in size and environmental consciousness
Billed as the largest LEED Gold-certified retail commercial building in the world, Destiny USA is more than an environmental leader. It is a shopping and entertainment mecca.
The 2.4 million-sq.-ft. tourist destination in Syracuse, N.Y., is an unexpected blend of luxury outlet tenants with restaurants and big entertainment names in a high-impact setting that includes a sweeping, three-story atrium, a replica of an upside-down city destroyed, and a suspended-rope adventure for the kids.
Aquatic pets retailer swims into e-commerce territory
FORT COLLINS, Colo. — D&G Pets, a local fish and exotic pet shop in Fort Collins, Colo., is diving into e-commerce waters in an effort to retain existing customers and reach out to new ones.
The local retailer launched an online store so consumers can purchase pet supplies from their computers or mobile devices — leveraging technology to remain competitive in a field dominated by larger pet supply chains.