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ICSC: Consumers open to new safety protocols in stores

Consumers in the South are twice as likely as those in the Northeast to already have or plan to visit a reopened business very soon.

That’s according to the International Council of Shopping Centers third bi-weekly economic survey, highlighting consumers’ economic outlook, spending expectations, and evolving sentiment around reopening the economy.

Other highlights from the survey are below.

Favorable of safety measures80% of respondents said they are open to new protocols at brick-and-mortar stores, including wearing masks, plastic barriers at checkouts, social distancing and limits on the number of people allowed.

Reasons to shop in store: Convenience, instant gratification/getting items immediately ranked as the top (44%), reason consumers are likely to shop at a store or shopping center, followed by the ability to browse and discover new things (41%) and better price deals and promotions (41%).

Support local businesses: Over 72% said as a result of COVID-19, they plan to spend more on goods and services at small businesses in their communities that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic.

Economy will improve: Nearly half (49%) of respondents believe the economy will improve over the next year as businesses begin to reopen and people head back to work.

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