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How will consumers approach the 2024 holiday season?

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Online holiday shopping
Half (50%) of survey respondents feel more confident in the economy than they did last year.

With optimism around the economy improving, consumers say they are planning to spend more on gifts this holiday season, according to a new survey.

Optimove Insights’ new Report on Consumer Shopping Intentions for Holiday 2024 found that 50% of respondents feel more confident in the economy, up from 26% in 2023, and 61% plan to budget more for holiday gifts, compared to 35% last year. Nearly six-in-10 (59%) consumers now prioritize service over price, a 37% increase from 2023.

Loyalty will play a big role for nearly all of the surveyed consumers. Ninety-five percent of respondents are likely to revisit a brand or retailer after a positive experience, with 72% being very likely to return. Additionally, 58% of consumers prefer to shop at familiar stores, up from 42% in 2023, and 42% plan to purchase over 60% of their holiday gifts from brands they’ve previously patronized. Consumers also favor early access to promotions, with 56% wanting offers at least a month in advance, and 88% expecting personalized recommendations based on past purchases.

[READ MORE: Consumers' preferences towards holiday promotions include…]

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When it comes to holiday promotional marketing from retailers and brands, email is the preferred channel for 59% of respondents, with 36% opening personalized emails. However, 23% desire fewer messages, and 67% expect marketing fatigue by Nov. 1. By December, 81% anticipate burnout. Optimove Insights says that excessive communication leads 87% of consumers to unsubscribe from brands, emphasizing the importance of managing message frequency and relevancy.

Other highlights from the survey include the following:

  • 64% of consumers plan to shop online during the holiday season, 37% will shop both online and in-store, and 27% will predominantly shop online.
  • 66% of respondents are confident in the security of their personal information when shopping this holiday season, but 14% of consumers display apprehensions about sharing their information.
  • 79% of shoppers consider a brand’s environmental commitment important, up from 61% in 2023, while 76% are willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly products, up from 57% last year.

The Optimove Insights Report on Holiday Shopping for 2024 was based on queries from 280 U.S. citizens ages 21-plus on retail shopping holiday intentions in July 2024, and household incomes were $75,000-plus.

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