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Consumers' preferences towards holiday promotions include...

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Holiday shopping
The vast majority (70%) of consumers trust friends or family members the most when it comes to being influenced to buy an item as a gift, followed by customer reviews (37%).

Advertising is a key part of retailers’ holiday promotions, but consumers have several preferences about how and when they receive them.

According to a new survey from SaaS mobile app solution provider Bryj, nearly half (47%) of consumers think it's appropriate for retailers to begin advertising for holiday deals around Thanksgiving and Black Friday, but no earlier. The most preferred methods consumers like to receive ads are through email (55%), TV or streaming commercials (49%), and social media (39%). 

However, the study found there was a generational divide where Baby Boomers prefer mailers (55%) the most while younger generations, like millennials and Gen Z, prefer social media (62%) as their primary channel for receiving ads.

When developing and targeting advertisements, Bryj said marketers must focus on who consumers listen to and trust to make the biggest impact. The vast majority (70%) of consumers trust friends or family members the most when it comes to being influenced to buy an item as a gift, followed by customer reviews (37%). However, Gen Z consumers trust influencers on social media (28%) just as much as customer reviews (27%) when it comes to being influenced to buy an item as a gift.

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The Bryj survey also found that consumers are finding gifts they purchase through in-person browsing (58%), followed by their own research online through Google (54%) and browsing online through a browser/website (45%). More than one-in-three millennial and Gen Z consumers (34%) would use a tool like ChatGPT to recommend gifts for friends and family or use built-in app or website AI capabilities for personalized recommendations to choose gifts. Similarly, more than a third (35%) of millennials and Gen Z would use AI capabilities to purchase gifts if a retailer offered it on their website or app.

"Leveraging data allows retailers to understand their customers' preferences, optimize their marketing strategies, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate," said Lawrence Snapp, CEO of Bryj. "In a competitive landscape, the ability to connect with their audiences in a meaningful way during the holiday season is what can set them apart and drive significant revenue."

Bryj’s survey was conducted by Dynata and featured 1,000 American consumers.

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