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Why Is a Cloud Enabled WAN Important?


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The challenge for today's technology planners is that the new operating model is dynamic and ever-changing, not incremental and predictable as in times past, and legacy technologies are not well suited to meet new demands.

To overcome these challenges, IT leaders today are considering a new agile technical environment delivered via optimized wide-area-network (WAN) topographies.

In this report, you'll discover the benefits of such an approach, including:

  • Optimizing the architecture to make full use of modern network capabilities
  • Using commercial applications to support non-differentiating operational processes wherever possible
  • Conforming operational practices to make best use of technology, not change the tech to conform to proprietary practices
  • Moving to a "services" orientation
  • Separating "horizontal" enterprise services from "vertical" LOB-specific logic
  • Uncoupling the user interface from application logic
  • Narrowing the gap between operational events and their subsequent analysis & action plans

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