Register: Understanding the Customer Conversation [InMoment]
A veritable tsunami of data is flooding retailers from a constantly growing pool of sources. This includes in-store customer experience data, brand commentary on social networks, loyalty data, online behavior, customer surveys, help desk emails and chats, and numerous other sources. Fortunately, retailers can now analyze not only the “what” of customer behavior, but the underlying “why” driving it.
The potential for providing valuable information to retailers is huge. Using advanced text analytics, retailers can better understand the sentiment and intent hidden within unstructured data. In addition, cloud-based analytical platforms allow retailers to bring together structured and unstructured customer data to obtain a single, 360 degree view of the customer sentiment.
By downloading this new report, retailers can learn how the Experience Hub will allow them to “own the moment,” meaning that whenever, wherever, and however customers choose to initiate engagement, retailers can capture their interest with a cohesive message tailored around their, time-, location- and task-specific needs.
Register below to read the report.
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* Information collected by this form will be shared with our sponsor, InMoment. Chain Store Age and our sponsors value your privacy. To view privacy policies click here:
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[contact-form-7 id="199828" title="Register: Understanding the Customer Conversation InMoment"]
The potential for providing valuable information to retailers is huge. Using advanced text analytics, retailers can better understand the sentiment and intent hidden within unstructured data. In addition, cloud-based analytical platforms allow retailers to bring together structured and unstructured customer data to obtain a single, 360 degree view of the customer sentiment.
By downloading this new report, retailers can learn how the Experience Hub will allow them to “own the moment,” meaning that whenever, wherever, and however customers choose to initiate engagement, retailers can capture their interest with a cohesive message tailored around their, time-, location- and task-specific needs.
Register below to read the report.
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* Information collected by this form will be shared with our sponsor, InMoment. Chain Store Age and our sponsors value your privacy. To view privacy policies click here:
Chain Store Age policy InMoment policy
[contact-form-7 id="199828" title="Register: Understanding the Customer Conversation InMoment"]