CX: the ultimate competitive advantage
Customer experience (CX) has quickly emerged as the single-most important brand differentiator. This means you can no longer compete on product or service alone. In an industry where CX even trumps price, one thing is clear: The brands with the best CX will win.
CX efforts are transforming all facets of retail including the function of the in-store associate. So how do you ensure that you come out ahead of the competition? By giving your associates what they need so they can deliver the experience your customers want. While the concept is simple, for most retailers, it’s often easier said than done.
Enter microlearning—a revolutionary approach to training that:
- facilitates targeted, one-to-one communications
- engages associates
- changes behaviors
- connects your workforce to the people, tools and information they need to execute on your CX strategy.
Read this ebook to learn how microlearning delivers the agility you need to empower your associates so they can drive competitive advantage—and you can drive business results.
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