Don’t Miss Out: Network with colleagues at SPECS in August
The nation’s premier event for store development — SPECS — will hold its 57th annual conference at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, Md., August 22 - 24, 2021.
SPECS, produced by Chain Store Age, provides a forum where the country's top retailers and suppliers involved in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of stores, restaurants and non-traditional retail come together to network, collaborate and learn from one another. The retail attendees spaniel of physical retail, from discounters and conveniences stores to specialty apparel stores and home improvement, along with restaurant chains. Non-traditional retail is also represented.
The SPECS program offers a wide array of targeted educational sessions, with the content designed to help retailers stay on top of trends and ahead of what's coming — both of which have taken on newfound importance after more than a year of disruption. This year's program includes targeted tracks in construction, facilities management and more.
The conference also offers multiple opportunities for networking and business partnering and the chance to learn about products, services and technologies that can provide retailers with competitive edge in today's marketplace.
For more information and to register for the SPECS in-person show in August, click here.