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Consumers willing to pay a bit more for safer environments

With COVID-19 restrictions lifting in many areas, consumer opinion about resuming activities varied. But one sentiment is common.

Seventy-three percent of consumers expressed willingness to pay 5% more if the additional charge covered enhanced cleaning or safety protocols, according to a survey by text communications platform SlickText. In other findings, nearly 28% of respondents expected brands to increase enforcement of social distancing in their stores and nearly 18% wished for better contact tracing. And more than 19% want more touchless payment options.

The survey, "Reopening in a Post-Pandemic World: Consumer Preferences," also revealed an eagerness to resume restaurant dining in person. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they have already dined at a restaurant. Only 10% plan on waiting six months or longer before they dine out. 

Other survey highlights are below:
•    Divided opinions about when to resume air travel. California respondents (29%) already feel comfortable with air travel, while a majority of New York respondents (25%) plan to wait at least six months before flying. 

•    Longing for live music. New York and Florida respondents miss live music shows the most. Survey participants from both states said they'd feel comfortable attending a concert in one to two months, whereas other states plan to wait longer before gathering in large groups.

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