Another landlord comes after Gap Inc. for unpaid rent
Gap Inc.’s rent troubles are mounting.
Brookfield Property Partners took the struggling retailer to court in Texas, saying it owes $2 million in unpaid rent (over three months) and refuses to to open stores at the mall operator’s properties in Texas, Bloomberg reported.
“For three months running, Gap has failed to pay rent at virtually every Brookfield location nationwide, even for stores that Gap is operating,” Brookfield said in court papers. At present, Gap has withheld more than $2 million in rent from Brookfield in Texas alone.”
Brookfield wants the court to force Gap to operate the Texas stores and pay back rent. Earlier this month, Simon Property Group Simon sued Gap for its alleged failure to pay nearly $66 million in rent and other charges in recent months. In May, a Manhattan landlord filed a lawsuit against the retailer for failure to pay rent in April and May for a store on 6th Avenue, close to Times Square.
As of June 4, Gap had reopened more than 1,500 stores in North America, with more locations opening during the month.