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Twitter makes direct messages more personal


Twitter is taking a new approach to “humanize” its business partners’ customer service-based “Direct Messages.”

Twitter’s new feature – “Custom Profiles in Direct Messages” – allows businesses to better emphasize the human element in private conversations, as well as more clearly indicate when a bot is speaking, according to Twitter.

The social media company reported that new versions of its Direct Message APIs are currently in private beta, but that didn’t keep T-Mobile from launching the service. The wireless provider has a long history of innovating to improve customer experiences on Twitter, such as using customers’ real names and agents’ initials in customer service-related Tweets.

Now the company, which goes by @TMobileHelp on Direct Messages, is using the API to create custom profiles in Direct Messages, enabling it to display customer service agent names and profile pictures when they are engaged in conversations with customers, rather than company’s Twitter photo and name, TechCrunch reported.

The result: “private conversations become more human and personal by showing the real face, name, and title of the care agent who is speaking,” Ian Cairns, product manager, Twitter, said in the company’s blog.

“T-Mobile’s team is famous for care because we’re constantly looking for ways to improve and personalize the customer experience,” said Callie Field, executive VP of customer care, T-Mobile. “We’re proud to be the first company to deliver an even more personalized experience through Twitter custom profiles.”

Twitter expects the API to drive more personalized experiences and customer satisfaction among its business partners, especially when 77% of people are likely to recommend a brand following a personalized customer service interaction on Twitter, according to research from the social media platform.
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