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Study: Lack of online content makes customers abandon purchases

Retailers that fail to provide merchandise-specific content are in jeopardy of losing sales to competitors.

When making a purchase online, customers expect to find content that will help them make an educated buying decision. Retailers that feature ineffective content are feeling the fallout, as 95% of shoppers abandoned their online shopping trip when they came across information that was insufficient, vague or inaccurate, according to “Reimagining Commerce: Global Findings,” a report from Episerver.

According to data, online shoppers expect product specifications (63%), customer reviews (55%), and images of the product being used (41%). These must-haves are so important that customers don't think twice about jumping ship if they are not available.

Their absence leads 9% of people to always abandon their online shopping sessions, with 44% saying this happens often. Among people who shop daily, the absence of these must-haves results in abandonment 42% of the time.

Other factors that are contributing to poor user experiences include expensive shipping (60%), the inability to find what they’re looking for (54%), and price concerns (46%), according to the study.

“Top must-haves include perks that make the shopping process smoother, including free shipping and package tracking, as well as technical assurances, like a fast website,” the study reported.

“When online shopping cannot deliver on promises of speed and intuitive usability, shoppers’ loyalty is quickly called into question,” the study said. “It’s not too late for brands to rectify their online shopping experiences. But they should hurry, as every poor interaction only makes the uphill battle of earning consumers’ trust and loyalty that much steeper.”
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