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Study: Consumers not seeing retailers’ mobile content

Retailers are producing a lot of mobile content, but that doesn’t guarantee it gets viewed.

According to a new study of mobile content marketing from digital analytics platform provider Contentsquare, retailers in the apparel, luxury, and beauty verticals all saw the percentage of their mobile content that went unseen increase during 2018.

In the apparel sector, 71.82% of mobile content went unseen in December 2018, growing 2% from 70.6% in January 2018. In the luxury vertical, 75.2% of mobile content went unseen in December 2018, 10% increase from 68.3% in January 2018. For beauty retailers, 82.77% of mobile content went unseen in December 2018, up 5% from 78.8% in January 2018.

In contrast, the automotive sector experienced a 21% drop in its percentage of unseen content, falling to 45%-49% in December 2018 from 57.9% in January 2018. According to Contentsquare, the automotive industry generally invested its creative resources wisely in 2018.

Contentsquare also performed deeper analysis on conversion and exit rates at every step of online apparel checkout, as well as consumer engagement in digital grocery. Examining desktop and mobile apparel checkout from login through the typical three steps, Contentsquare found the following conversion and exit rates:

Desktop Login – 30.07% CVR, 23.82% exit
Desktop Step 1 – 68.87% CVR, 8.76% exit
Desktop Step 2 – 75.87% CVR, 11.22% exit
Desktop Step 3 – 80.61% CVR, 8.61% exit

Mobile Login – 22.78% CVR, 28.74% exit
Mobile Step 1 - 54.85% CVR, 13.6% exit
Mobile Step 2 – 64.44% CVR, 16.03% exit
Mobile Step 3 – 70.79% CVR, 11.26% exit

While allowing anonymous checkout reduces the amount of consumer data digital retailers can collect, it also substantially cuts back exit rates.

Analyzing consumer engagement in the digital grocery sector, Contentsquare found that in general, the more visits a retailer can drive a customer to make, the better. For returning desktop users, the grocery conversion rate continues to climb until visit #15. The biggest leap occurs between sessions 1 and 2, with a whopping 89% increase to the average conversion rate, which jumps from 4.67% to 8.81%.

On mobile, the conversion rate actually drops by 35.54% between sessions 1 and 2, and dips a further 10.26% between sessions 2 and 3. It then increases by a drastic 21.43% between sessions 3 and 4.

Analysis of 20 consecutive sessions on both desktop and mobile showed that every visit makes users more likely to return to a site. The first session is the trickiest, with only 49% of users returning to a site following their first visit.
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