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Specialty menswear retailer is introducing a new stylist — her name is Alexa

A new Alexa skill is helping Perry Ellis’ customers dress for any occasion.

The menswear brand is assisting its shoppers with the “Ask Perry Ellis” Amazon Alexa skill. Called the first-of-its-kind, voice-activated skill, the technology supports a modern, frictionless shopping experience that enables customers to use their voice to find the right look, and shop for merchandise.

By saying, “Alexa, Ask Perry Ellis what I should wear to &hellip,” the device searches approximately 150 programmed occasions, taking into account the venue, weather and dress code. Alexa then replies with an appropriate look. Selections are sent to the user’s Alexa app and email, where they can click through to to add items to their cart to purchase.

To access the Alexa personal stylist, shoppers simple enable the “Ask Perry Ellis” skill on their Alexa-enabled device.

The voice-activated skill is helping the brand speak directly to the end consumer, and evolve its marketing strategy and consumer engagement, the retailer said.

“We are always looking for ways to meet the fashion and performance needs of our customers, and evolve the way we engage them with our brand,” says Oscar Feldenkreis, CEO and president of Perry Ellis International. “We are confident our Alexa personal stylist will appeal to our tech-savvy consumer by using voice activation to address a real need men have when it comes to dressing and enabling a seamless shopping experience.”

The solution solves a pain point for Perry Ellis’ customer base, as nearly three-quarters (73%) of men admitted to having arrived at an event, occasion or location feeling inappropriately dressed, according to “Men’s Dressing Habits,” a survey conducted by Perry Ellis.

In fact, 84% of men care about being dressed appropriately for an occasion. They don’t want to stand out, and hate the feeling of being underdressed (the most common reason they feel they’re dressed inappropriately).

One-third of men admitted to having skipped an event because they didn’t have the right clothes to wear. But when dressed appropriately, 72% of men report feeling confident, 42% feel attractive, 39% feel respected and about one-quarter of men feel powerful.

To see Alexa in action, click here.

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