IBM Watson brings Staples’ ‘Easy Button’ to life for businesses
Staples is working on bringing the “on-demand” world to businesses.
Called the Staples Easy System, the chain is immersed in a multiphase pilot designed to create a business-to-business “on-demand” world that allows customers to order anytime, anywhere, from any device they prefer. The newest phase of the project is focused on a cognitive-enabled “Easy Button” office supply reordering system which integrates IBM’s Watson technology to simplify office supply management for Staples Business Advantage Customers.
The ordering interface enables customers across the Staples Easy System ecosystem to place orders seamlessly, regardless of whether it’s via Staples’ proprietary next-generation Easy Button, through the app, text, email, over Facebook Messenger or with a Slackbot. Using the Watson-enabled interface, which is based on machine learning, customers can quickly reorder supplies, track shipments or chat about customer service needs.
By blending cognitive capabilities built into the system and a combination of Watson Knowledge Studio and Staples’ own internal personalization APIs, the Staples Easy System can learn more about each businesses’ preferences over time, including their preferred products and quantities. As the system becomes “smarter,” eventually it will be able to make product and services recommendations based on the customer’s current needs.
“Staples and IBM have combined the power of Watson technology with Staples’ expertise in helping small and medium businesses to transform how companies shop for everything they need for their office,” said Faisal Masud, executive VP, e-commerce and customer experience, Staples. “With the Easy System, administrators will have greater overall management of their organizations’ procurement processes, ultimately saving them time they can instead spend on running their office. It’s the assistant’s assistant.”
The Easy Button is being rolled out via an alpha test to a small subset of Staples Business Advantage customers in the Austin, Texas market. A broader beta test will roll out to more than 100 additional customers in Austin and New York before the year-end, according to a company statement.