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Tesco rolling out energy display screens to 500 locations


New York City -- Tesco PLC will install touch-screen energy display boards in 500 locations across the United Kingdom. The screens, which will be located in staff areas, will display which areas of the store are consuming the most energy. The hope is that the associates will respond and adjust energy usage as needed throughout the day.

Tesco made the decision to roll out the screens after a nine-store pilot. The test resulted in a 2% to 3% drop in total energy consumption. The retailer described the cut in energy costs as "a huge margin" for one piece of equipment.

According to Tesco, not only do the energy display screens get employees involved, but they help further reduce the stores’ carbon footprint by removing the need for reams of paper data that detail the store’s energy consumption.

"This is an exciting development in Tesco’s long term plans to reduce the carbon footprint of its stores by 2020,” stated Richard Lee, head of energy at Tesco. “The energy boards also present a visual snapshot of the data, which is far more meaningful that reams of paper based data and empowers people to actively promote energy saving."

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