Lozier Corp. acquires Leggett & Platt Store Fixtures Group
Omaha, Nebraska --Lozier Corporation, a provider of store fixtures to major retailers around the world, announced the acquisition of the Leggett & Platt Store Fixtures Group, another leading manufacturer of retail fixtures.
“We have very complementary skills and by joining together, we’re bringing a new level of service and value to the retail marketplace,” said Lozier president/CEO Sheri Andrews. Through our united organization, retailers will have a trusted, proven resource for all of their fixturing needs. With our unparalleled capabilities in design, manufacturing, and distribution, we’re able to offer retailers everything they need--from the back of the store to the end of the checkout line.”
“Ultimately, what we’re creating is a truly reliable supply chain--of both products and ideas--to our customers,” noted Ron McComas, president of Leggett & Platt Store Fixtures Group. “All of our shared resources are being united in an organization solely focused on one industry--retail--and one product line--store fixtures. With our combined resources, we’re perfectly positioned to help retailers grow sales and realize their vision for their stores.”