H.J. Martin and Son helps Penney complete in-store shops project
Green Bay, Wis. -- H.J. Martin and Son helped J.C. Penney add two new in-store shops: Disney and GiggleBaby.
Fifty crews of two people – 100 total – from H.J. Martin were dedicated to the project, which spanned two-and-a-half weeks from mid-September until early October. In all, H.J. Martin performed the work in 218 Penney stores across the United States, with the exception of the south and southeast.
Work in each location was performed over a two-day period while the store was open, requiring H.J. Martin staff to exhibit the soft skills they are known and trained for. Crews installed wall graphic panels, assembled and positioned the new wall and floor fixtures, and hung ceiling signs in both shops.
In approximately 100 of the Penney stores, H.J. Martin personnel also hung a sign over the Carter’s in-store shop.
Before starting each store, the H.J. Martin crews coordinated the de-merchandising of the existing materials in the new Disney and GiggleBaby locations with Penney personnel. They also unloaded and inventoried the delivered Disney materials, and coordinated the missing or damaged items with store leaders.
“We appreciate the confidence J.C. Penney showed in us,” says Bret Woodland, who oversaw the work for H.J. Martin. “This particular project took a great amount of coordination between our employees and those of J.C. Penney to complete it within the desired window. It was a company-wide effort to get it done.”