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First Look: Nike, The Grove, Los Angeles

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Nike has opened a soaring, one-of-kind flagship to spotlight some of its most innovative merchandise.

The three-level 31,000-sq.-ft. store, at The Grove in Los Angeles, is one of the largest in the company’s portfolio. It features a number of elements designed to celebrate the City of Angles and to serve athletes, starting with a huge “We are LA” mural that spans all three floors and is made up of thousands of icons reflecting Nike’s heritage, local sports teams and California-centric imagery.

Other highlights include a special basketball court, dubbed the Jordan Trial experience in a nod to the basketball great, where a screen takes visitors through elite basketball dribbling drills.

In other features, various custom design elements enable kids to measure their height and shoe size against that of their sports heroes. A colorful soccer-themed mural, by L.A.-artist Tristan Eaton, highlights Nike athletes Alex Morgan and Clint Dempsey, adorns the related product training space, where soccer balls can kicked into a net. In the men's running area, customers can have their gait analyzed at the Nike+ Run treadmill.

The new Nike also offers a host of special amenities, and also has screens where shoppers can register requests for information. The information is then later delivered to smartphones or tablets.

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