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Oshins returns to NRDC as chief investment officer

Al Urbanski
J.J. Oshins leaves energy development to return to retail real estate.

After leading two successful energy companies, J.J. Oshins has returned to retail real estate and to the company that gave him his first job after graduating from Cornell’s hotel management school in 2005.

Oshins rejoins National Realty & Development Corporation as chief investment officer after having founded UpCurve Energy and Verdad Exploration, both focused on developing natural gas resources. He raised $120 million to fund the efforts and guided strategy, corporate development, and finance for the ventures.

In his previous residence at NRDC, Oshins helped introduce Lord & Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue to its portfolio as an analyst and associate.

“We are thrilled to welcome J.J. back to the NRDC Equity Partners team,” said company COO Jack Baker. “J.J. has the leadership track record and breadth of business experience we believe are a critical asset to the company.”

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