Walmart U.S. CEO Simon rallies veterans to lead 'American Renewal'
Bentonville, Ark. -- Walmart U.S. President and CEO Bill Simon addressed attendees at the American Legion's 93rd National Convention on Wednesday, telling fellow Americans, veterans and Legionnaires that Walmart would create jobs in the U.S. by hiring more than 15,000 people to work in about 100 new and expanded Walmart stores by fiscal year's end.
Simon also said the world’s largest retailer would support military veterans by doubling the company's commitment for veterans programs to $20 million over five years, and would set a national agenda to get the economy back on track.
Simon, who served 25 years in the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserves, reminded the audience that veterans have helped lead economic growth in the past and can do so again. “Everyone is hoping the cavalry will ride in and save the day,” he said. “But you don't need to wait for that.”
Simon reminded attendees that Walmart is a big military supporter, and its Military Family Promise program guarantees a job at a nearby store or club for all military personnel, and military spouses, employed at Walmart or Sam's Club who move to a different part of the country because they or their spouse have been transferred by the U.S. military.
Simon also addressed the national agenda, outlining key steps the country's government leaders should take to help get the economy back on track, including taking care of veterans upon their return home, promoting American exports and passing free trade agreements that are ready, passing a comprehensive reform of the corporate tax code to broaden the tax base and lower the overall tax rate, and working together to bring back American manufacturing.