Twistee Treat sees improved hiring with JobOn video recruiting
Orlando, Fla. – Store expansion is a wonderful thing, but effectively keeping up with recruiting and hiring the employees who staff new stores is not always easy. Twistee Treat, a rapidly growing, 15-store specialty ice cream retailer, is using video HR technology from JobOn to facilitate hiring and recruiting at remote locations.
“We’re a small growing company and needed a solution where instead of an executive traveling sand spending 10 days in a market interviewing people, there would be a better way,” said Corey Balzer, president, Twistee Treat USA, in an interview with Chain Store Age.
Using the JobOn application, Twistee Treat lets applicants answer prescreening questions by video. Applicants can review their answers and rerecord ones they don’t like before submitting them. Applicants can use an iPad or smartphone as well as a PC.
“For everyone except the manager, it’s normally their first job,” said Balzer. “Applicants are nervous and young and have never been through the interview process.”
Twistee Treat corporate recruiting personnel review the video applications and select the “best of the best” submissions for follow-up in-person interviews. The retailer has been using JobOn for three years and installed a variety of software updates that provide features such as better contrast on videos.
This year, Twistee Treat has also started using a more in-depth JobOn video application to recruit managers. As the retailer expands to new markets to Dallas, it plans to leverage JobOn to make recruitment easier and more cost-effective.