Survey: Some consumers think Black Friday sales start too early
Whiting, Ind. -- Survey results released Wednesday by CouponCabin found that nearly a third (31%) of U.S. consumers feel that holiday shopping is starting too soon, with many stores opening their doors to shoppers Thursday, and in some cases, even Wednesday, night.
Stress is a factor, as many respondents reported that a variety of factors make Black Friday a nerve-wracking holiday. When asked which of the following stressed them out about Black Friday, U.S. adults said the following:
- The thought of that many people in one store is scary: 34%
- The item I want might be out of stock before I can purchase it: 28%
- The competition among other shoppers for deals: – 26%
- There are so many deals it's overwhelming: 16%
- Other: 8%
Even with the possibility of a stressful situation, many will still check out the sales on Black Friday this year. Two-in-five (40%) adults plan to shop either online or in-store this Black Friday. On the flip side, 60% said they aren't sure or don't plan to shop on Black Friday. Some shop the sale every year, as 16% said it's a tradition in their family.
"Even though some people will avoid Black Friday this year, others who embrace it are likely to find huge discounts on a variety of items," said Jackie Warrick, president and CEO at "If you're one of the shoppers seeking deals this year, make sure to do your research ahead of time, plan your shopping strategy and check out the offers online before you make your buying decisions."
Some shoppers anticipate buying more on Black Friday this year than in years past. In fact, more than one-in-five (21%) of those who plan to shop in stores or online on Black Friday plan to spend more this year than they did last year. Fifty-two percent plan to spend the same amount, while 18% plan to spend less.