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Study: 88% of consumers have negative mobile shopping experiences


San Francisco -- The trend to shop on smartphones is growing, with 71% of smartphones owners saying they shop using their mobile device, according to a report by Scava, a provider of mobile, tablet and in-store technologies. However, mobile shopping experiences fail to meet consumer satisfaction, as 88% of those who shop on their smartphone have experienced negative issues.

When asked about their biggest pain points when shopping on mobile, mobile shoppers responded:

  • Retailers’ websites are harder to navigate and use on a mobile than on a desktop (51%);

  • Product images are too small to make buying decision (46%);

  • Concerns over security on their smartphone (41%); and

  • Checkout process is a pain (26%).

Other challenges that were revealed in the “Skava Consumer Mobile Shopping Survey” included concerns over data usage costs, difficulties in adding coupon codes and mobile website speed. Interestingly, some shoppers believe that products are more expensive on a mobile website, while others claimed concerns over clicking the wrong buttons when making purchases.

“The sudden rise in the number of visitors accessing retailer’s websites from mobile took many retailers by surprise and they quickly created a mobile as a first response, but the initial bounce rates were high and conversion rates low leaving many retailers thinking that people didn’t have an appetite to buy from mobile,” said Arish Ali, Skava co-founder and president. “It isn’t just about putting a mobile website out there – it is about building an experience that is easy for customers to use and takes into consideration the unique attributes of mobile devices. Achieving significant conversion rates on mobile is possible. Amazon, a constant threat to traditional retailer, generated $4bn in sales through mobile last year. ”

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