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Sprint RadioShack launches in 1,435 stores


Overland Park, Kan. -- A new chapter in the ongoing saga of RadioShack started on Friday with Sprint launching retail operations in 1,435 RadioShack stores.

The new network of stores, which are being branded as Sprint RadioShack, more than doubles Sprint’s company-owned retail format, the carrier said. It came about through a transaction last week in which General Wireless Inc., an affiliate of Standard General LP, acquired 1,743 RadioShack stores. Sprint agreed with Standard General to be co-tenants in 1,435 of those stores, with Sprint being the primary brand in marketing materials and signage.

Sprint is occupying roughly one-third of the retail space at the existing RadioShack locations. Through the end of this year, Sprint said it will work closely with General Wireless to build out its “store-within-a-store” retail model.

“This important partnership with Sprint has enabled RadioShack to continue to provide a trusted destination for our millions of loyal consumers,” said Ron Garriques, the newly appointed CEO of RadioShack. “Together, we can preserve jobs and an iconic American company specializing in mobility, connectivity and innovation. This arrangement is truly a win-win, giving Sprint a much larger footprint and providing both companies immediate access to each other's customers.”

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