Rose Paving among Chicago’s top 100 workplaces
Bridgeview, Ill. -- Rose Paving Co., a leader in national parking lot management, has been named once again a Chicago Tribune Top Workplace for 2011. One hundred companies, organizations, and agencies were honored at an awards ceremony on Nov. 14 hosted by the Chicago Tribune. The awards, given for measured qualities including company leadership, career opportunities, workplace flexibility, and compensation & benefits were presented to Chicago-area companies for the second straight year.
Workplace Dynamics LLC conducted an engagement survey of Chicago-area employers with at least 100 local employees. In total, 1,675 companies were invited to participate, and 234 companies registered. Of those, 193 companies completed the survey. Employees responded to a set of statements about their feelings toward their workplace, using a seven-point scale. The statements focused on issues such as the direction of the company, execution, and work/life balance conditions.
“At Rose Paving, we truly place an emphasis on workplace satisfaction, innovation, and flexibility. stated Ed Campbell, president. “We have a ‘Great Place to Work Team’ that strives to create a fun and engaging environment for our entire staff. At times like these, nothing is more important than a satisfied, productive team of employees.”