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RILA applauds senator’s opposition to EFCA


Arlington, Va. Arkansas democratic senator Blanche Lincoln’s support for worker rights and opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act earned praise on Tuesday from the Retail Industry Leaders Association.

“RILA commends Sen. Lincoln for her commitment to the critical rights and protections currently afforded workers,” said RILA president Sandy Kennedy. “Sen. Lincoln’s announcement further illustrates the diverse and growing opposition that exists to this harmful legislation.”

Sen. Lincoln’s opposition follows the recent announcement by Pennsylvania republican senator Arlen Specter that he would oppose EFCA.

RILA said it opposes the Employee Free Choice Act because the organization believes it poses harm to workers and jobs. RILA said it considers EFCA, or any proposal that effectively denies workers the protection of a secret ballot in union-organizing campaigns and deprives workers of the right to approve or decline contracts imposed upon them by arbitrators, as unacceptable.

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