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New goals outlined in Target’s 2011 Corporate Responsibility Report


Minneapolis -- Target Corp. has launched four new corporate responsibility goals, including a commitment to making at least 50 owned-brand packaging designs more sustainable by the end of fiscal year 2016. Target’s new goals were announced in conjunction with the release of its 2011 Corporate Responsibility Report.

“When Target launched its corporate responsibility goals in 2011, we reinforced our longstanding commitment to creating a brighter future for our team members, our communities, and the world we live in,” said Tim Baer, executive VP, general counsel and corporate secretary, Target. “Target’s corporate responsibility goals foster greater transparency and accountability on initiatives that help put more U.S. children on the path to graduation, reduce our impact on the environment, and help Target team members and their families live healthy, balanced lives.”

Target’s other newly announced goals are to increase its sustainable seafood selection and to increase the percentage of associates and their families enrolled in a Target health plan completing diabetes HbA1c testing to 87% by the end of fiscal year 2015.

Target also said it plans to establish a baseline that will inform a specific 2013 reading-proficiency outcome goal. The baseline will be influenced by completing an additional 32 Target School Library Makeovers at in-need schools, providing $1.5 million in grants to more than 100 Target School Library Makeover alumni schools to increase reading achievement, and implementing innovative literacy pilots in two additional school districts.

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