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Modell’s defends the perimeter


Modell’s Sporting Goods is playing to win when it comes to network security.

Operating more than 150 stores throughout the East Coast, New York-based Modell’s is protecting customer data and personal information residing within its infrastructure. Modell’s us using a software-based network security solution from Cyphort to actively monitor and detect suspicious activity.

“Given the speed at which new threats are introduced, we wished to add a security layer that dealt with more than just scanning for the known and reported malware, but also looked for patterns of suspicious behavior and proactively alerted us of potential malicious intent,” said Vincent Damiano, VP, information security and compliance, Modell’s Sporting Goods. “We needed the solution to be smart so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the IT department with false positives so they can focus on the threats that really matter.”

Cyphort’s solution provides complete enterprise infrastructure coverage with a single management console. Integration with existing security ecosystem solutions and open-Application Program Interfaces (APIs) allows the Cyphort solution to leverage existing security infrastructure investments.

The solution also delivers action-oriented workflows which enable responders to determine which incidents require immediate attention and provide detailed reporting on the extent of threats. In addition, it enables compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards.

Retailers can longer rely upon basic security solutions that attempt to block malware, or identify it once it has penetrated the network. The sophistication of modern cyberattacks necessitates the use of advanced technology that can analyze traffic and activity inside and outside the network for threat likelihood early enough to prevent disaster.

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