ComScore reports busiest week ever for online sales
Reston, Va. -- Shoppers spent 14% more for online holiday spending during the week ending Dec. 18, according to comScore. Online spending totaled $6.4 billion for the week, making it the busiest week ever in online holiday shopping.
Shoppers have spent almost $32 billion online for the holiday season to date, a 15% increase from a year ago, comScore reported. The period includes the first 48 days of the holiday season spanning the months of November and December, according to comScore.
The final big week of online holiday shopping remained strong throughout, with four days surpassing $1 billion in sales and the second heaviest online shopping weekend on record. In total, we will see another $5 or $6 billion in e-commerce spending over the remainder of December to finish off what has clearly been an outstanding season for online retailers.” said comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni.
Also on Tuesday, the International Council of Shopping Centers-Goldman Sachs Weekly Chain Store Sales Index reported that same-store sales increased 3.4% for the week ended Saturday compared with the previous week. The weekly index is a sales proxy for 24 major retailers.