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Christine Krisko Advances to Marketing Communications Manager of Bostik’s Construction & Distribution Division


Bostik Inc.’s Construction & Distribution (C&D) Division has promoted Christine Krisko to marketing communications manager.

Krisko joined Bostik in 1998 as a customer service representative, after serving four years as a sales & account coordinator for Franklin Advertising Associates in Newton, Mass. In mid-2000, Krisko advanced to marketing coordinator for Bostik C&D’s flooring installation and maintenance systems, and less than a year later assumed additional responsibilities as advertising & promotions manager for Bostik’s flooring products.

Krisko now adds marketing-communications oversight for construction sealants and adhesives to her longstanding flooring solutions marketing-management responsibilities.

Reporting directly to McNamara, Krisko currently is working toward a Master’s degree in communications management from Simmons College. Krisko holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business communications from Framingham State College and an Associate degree in communications from Massachusetts Bay Community College.

“As our marketing communications manager, Crissy is responsible for providing programs and executional expertise to enact new marketing plans and services,” said Robert McNamara, director of sales & marketing for the Bostik C&D Division. “She teams with marketing management, product marketing and other team members to understand objectives and goals, and to recommend, deliver and verify lead generation, lead development and awareness campaigns, including direct marketing, print advertising, Web content and promotions, tradeshow materials and literature/collateral/sales support materials.”

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